ABN Amro Bank NV

0.15% €16.42

17:30 – 26/07/2024

Nieuws van ABN Amro Bank NV

People Moves Monday: Schonfeld, Goldman Sachs, ABN AMRO Clearing Bank and more…

Bron: Biztoc.com

Autheur: thetradenews.com

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-08

Senior equity trader at Janus Henderson, Stuart Mair, left the asset manager after 14 years. According to an update on his social media, Mair joined hedge fund and systematic trading platform Schonfeld as an equity trader dealing with long and short strategie…

ABN AMRO Bank And Two More Top Dividend Stocks On Euronext Amsterdam

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-06-26

As global markets experience modest gains and signs of economic resilience, investors are increasingly focused on stable income streams, making dividend…

Bosnische kunstenaar Selma Selman wint ABN Amro Kunstprijs 2024

Bron: Www.nrc.nl

Autheur: Toef Jaeger

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-03

Kunstprijs: Gedreven en geëngageerd noemt de jury van de ABN Amro Kunstprijs het werk van Selma Selman, de Bosnische kunstenaar van Roma afkomst. In haar werk stelt ze traditionele rolpatronen, de positie van vrouwen en de waardering van arbeid en materiaal a…

HSBC names group chief executive

Bron: Privatebankerinternational.com

Autheur: Anika Sidhika

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-17

HSBC recruits a group chief executive to expand the team.

Rabobank-app krijgt eindelijk donkere modus (we weten alleen nog niet wanneer)

Bron: Iculture.nl

Autheur: Benjamin Kuijten | iCulture.nl

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-22

De Rabobank-app krijgt een donkere modus, zo ontdekte iCulture. Daarmee is het de laatste van de drie grote banken die en dark mode aan de bankieren-app toevoegt. Het artikel Rabobank-app krijgt eindelijk donkere modus (we weten alleen nog niet wanneer) lees …

Three High-Yield Dividend Stocks From Euronext Amsterdam Offering Up To 9.6%

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-03

Amid a backdrop of fluctuating European markets and rising bond yields, investors are increasingly seeking stable returns, making high-yield dividend stocks …

Euronext Amsterdam Showcases Three Prime Dividend Stocks

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-06-27

Amid a backdrop of economic resilience and cautious optimism in European markets, the Netherlands continues to present intriguing opportunities for dividend-…

Euronext Amsterdam Top Dividend Stocks July 2024

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-22

Amidst a backdrop of fluctuating global markets and heightened trade tensions, the Euronext Amsterdam continues to present opportunities for investors…

Top Three Dividend Stocks On Euronext Amsterdam In July 2024

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-04

As European markets navigate through a period of political uncertainty and fluctuating bond yields, investors are keenly watching for stable investment…

Euronext Amsterdam Dividend Stocks To Watch In July 2024

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-11

As global markets navigate through varying economic signals, the Netherlands stock market remains a focal point for investors looking for stable dividend…

Top Dividend Stocks On Euronext Amsterdam July 2024

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-23

As global markets navigate through fluctuating trade tensions and economic indicators, investors are increasingly focusing on stable returns, making dividend…

Euronext Amsterdam Dividend Stocks To Consider In July 2024

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-24

As global markets navigate through rising trade tensions and shifting economic indicators, the Euronext Amsterdam presents a unique landscape for dividend…

Spaargeldgarantiefonds voor als bank faalt, gevuld

Bron: Www.nrc.nl

Autheur: NRC

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-04

Depositogarantiestelsel: Alle Nederlandse banken die spaartegoeden beheren hebben het fonds gevuld. Vanaf nu hoeven ze alleen bijdragen te doen om het fonds op niveau te houden.

Nederlandse banken stoppen met collectieve transactiemonitoring

Bron: Tweakers.net

Autheur: Andrei Stiru

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-02

Een aantal grote Nederlandse banken stopt met het gezamenlijk controleren van transacties op fraude en witwassen. Dat doen zij omdat een nieuwe Europese wet, die in 2027 van kracht wordt, de samenwerking onmogelijk maakt.

Spaargeldgarantiefonds voor als bank faalt, is helemaal gevuld

Bron: Www.nrc.nl

Autheur: Eva Smal

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-03

Depositogarantiestelsel: Alle banken die in Nederland spaartegoeden beheren hebben naar rato het spaargeldgarantiefonds sinds eind 2015 gevuld. De komende jaren hoeven de banken alleen nog bijdragen te doen om het fonds op niveau te houden.

ABN Amro: Bij winst Trump belandt de Amerikaanse economie in een recessie

Bron: Www.bnr.nl

Autheur: Myrthe Koopman

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-23

De Verenigde Staten belanden in een milde recessie als de Republikeinen de Amerikaanse verkiezingen winnen. Dat concludeert ABN Amro op basis van nieuw onderzoek. ‘En een recessie in de VS is nooit goed voor de rest van de wereld’, stelt Rogier Quaedvlieg, se…

Huizenprijzen blijven stijgen, wel meer transacties

Bron: Www.bnr.nl

Autheur: Myrthe Koopman

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-16

De prijzen op de woningmarkt stijgen harder dan verwacht, en ABN Amro denkt dat die stijging zich de komende tijd ook verder zal doorzetten. Dit jaar zijn de prijzen al drie kwartalen op rij gestegen, en daarom stijgt ABN Amro de prijsraming in de woningmarkt…

ABN AMRO rondt overname BUX af

Bron: Emerce.nl

Autheur: Redactie

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-12

ABN AMRO Bank N.V. heeft de overname van BUX officieel afgerond. BUX is een van de snelst groeiende neobrokers in Europa. De overname was onder voorbehoud van de goedkeuring van de toezichthouder. Deze strategische overname is voor zowel ABN AMRO als BUX ee…

ABN AMRO Bank (OTCMKTS:AAVMY) Short Interest Update

Bron: ETF Daily News

Autheur: MarketBeat News

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-06-28

ABN AMRO Bank (OTCMKTS:AAVMY – Get Free Report) saw a significant increase in short interest during the month of June. As of June 15th, there was short interest totalling 9,000 shares, an increase of 1,700.0% from the May 31st total of 500 shares. Based on an…

ABN AMRO Bank (OTCMKTS:ABMRF) Sees Significant Decrease in Short Interest

Bron: ETF Daily News

Autheur: MarketBeat News

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-16

ABN AMRO Bank (OTCMKTS:ABMRF – Get Free Report) was the target of a significant decline in short interest during the month of June. As of June 30th, there was short interest totalling 1,873,200 shares, a decline of 11.1% from the June 15th total of 2,106,500 …

Short Interest in ABN AMRO Bank (OTCMKTS:AAVMY) Decreases By 25.6%

Bron: ETF Daily News

Autheur: MarketBeat News

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-13

ABN AMRO Bank (OTCMKTS:AAVMY – Get Free Report) saw a significant decrease in short interest in the month of June. As of June 30th, there was short interest totalling 6,700 shares, a decrease of 25.6% from the June 15th total of 9,000 shares. Based on an aver…

Wat betekent het nog dat Rabobank een coöperatie is?

Bron: Www.nrc.nl

Autheur: Eva Smal

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-06-25

De coöperatieve Rabobank: De Rabobank wil haar organisatie omgooien. De worsteling van de bank met haar coöperatieve karakter geeft een interessante inkijk in wat het betekent om een coöperatie te zijn.

Short Interest in ABN AMRO Bank (OTCMKTS:ABMRF) Drops By 46.3%

Bron: ETF Daily News

Autheur: MarketBeat News

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-06-28

ABN AMRO Bank (OTCMKTS:ABMRF – Get Free Report) was the target of a significant decline in short interest in the month of June. As of June 15th, there was short interest totalling 2,106,500 shares, a decline of 46.3% from the May 31st total of 3,922,700 share…

Beleggers ruiken alvast kansen onder Trump. Of moeten ze toch op Harris gokken?

Bron: Www.nrc.nl

Autheur: Mark Beunderman

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-25

Amerikaanse verkiezingen: Een zege van Donald Trump kan slecht gaan uitpakken voor de Amerikaanse economie: meer inflatie dreigt. Maar beleggers denken dat de oliesector, banken en gevangenisbedrijven van Trump zullen profiteren.

Banken herzien gezamenlijk antiwitwasproject om nieuwe wetgeving

Bron: Www.bnr.nl

Autheur: BNR Webredactie, ANP

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-01

Vijf Nederlandse banken die via een initiatief samenwerken om witwassen te bestrijden, gaan dit project herzien. Aanleiding is nieuwe Europese wetgeving die per juli 2027 van kracht wordt. Momenteel werken nog zestig mensen aan het initiatief met de naam Tran…

Nederlandse banken stoppen met omstreden uitwisseling van transacties

Bron: Www.nrc.nl

Autheur: Eva Smal

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-01

Anti-witwassen: Vijf banken hebben afgelopen jaren zakelijke transacties met elkaar uitgewisseld om witwasnetwerken in kaart te krijgen. Volgens nieuwe Europese regels mag dat niet, en dus gaat de stekker uit het project.

Euronext regulation expert joins ABN AMRO Clearing Bank as regulatory manager

Bron: Biztoc.com

Autheur: thetradenews.com

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-02

ABN AMRO Clearing Bank has appointed Samantha Page as regulatory manager following almost two years at Euronext. Most recently, Page served as head of market structure, with a focus on EU and UK policy and advocacy, as well as sales and product development. P…

Euronext Amsterdam Dividend Stocks To Watch In July 2024

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-01

Amidst a backdrop of fluctuating European markets and rising bond yields ahead of key elections, investors are keenly watching the Euronext Amsterdam for…

Marcus Vitt verlässt Bankhaus Donner & Reuschel

Bron: Faz.net

Autheur: Hanno Mußler

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-08

Der seit 22 Jahren amtierende Vorstandssprecher sucht eine neue Herausforderung. Marcus Vitt scheidet schon Ende September in der Hamburger Bank aus.

Euronext Amsterdam Dividend Stocks To Consider In July 2024

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-15

As European markets experience a lift, with indices like the STOXX Europe 600 showing a positive trend, investors might find it opportune to consider…

Euronext Amsterdam Showcases 3 Dividend Stocks With Yields Up To 6.4%

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-09

As global markets navigate through fluctuating economic signals, the Euronext Amsterdam stands out with its offering of robust dividend stocks, appealing to …

3 High Yield Dividend Stocks On Euronext Amsterdam With Up To 5% Yield

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-18

As global markets respond to shifting economic indicators, the Euronext Amsterdam presents a unique landscape for investors seeking stable returns through…

Euronext Amsterdam Dividend Stocks To Consider In July 2024

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-05

As global markets navigate through a period of uncertainty with mixed performances across major indices, the Euronext Amsterdam presents an intriguing…

Top Dividend Stocks On Euronext Amsterdam In July 2024

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St)

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-10

As global markets navigate through varying economic signals, the Euronext Amsterdam remains a focal point for investors seeking stability through dividend…

French Rout Reignites as Traders Shed Risk Before No-Win Vote

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: Alice Gledhill, Michael Msika and Tasos Vossos

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-06-28

(Bloomberg) — A bruising selloff in French markets revived on Friday as traders ditched assets ahead of Sunday’s elections.Most Read from BloombergBiden’s…

Nederlandse grootbanken werken niet langer samen voor witwasaanpak

Bron: Www.bnr.nl

Autheur: Samuel Hanegreefs

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-01

Nederlandse grootbanken stoppen met de samenwerkingsactie ‘Transactie Monitoring Nederland’ (TMNL), die was bedoeld om gezamenlijk fraude en witwassen tegen te gaan. ‘Er is altijd veel kritiek geweest op TMNL’, zegt Matthijs Rotteveel van het FD, dat het nieu…

Wero: Neues europäisches Bezahlsystem geht an den Start

Bron: Appgefahren.de

Autheur: Mel

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-02

Wer im Freundes- und Kollegenkreis, innerhalb der Familie, im Sportverein oder auch bei Online-Käufen schnell und einfach Geld transferieren will, setzt derzeit meist auf den Zahlungsdienstleister PayPal. Auch bei mir kommt der Dienst bei Geschenken oder klei…

Betaalsysteem Wero muissstil uit de startblokken

Bron: Emerce.nl

Autheur: Erwin Boogert

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-03

De eigenaar van iDEAL lanceert Wero, wat het digitale Europese betaalsysteem van de toekomst moet worden. Zo groot als de ambities zijn, zo minimalistisch is de start.


Bron: Nikkei.com

Autheur: 王 征

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-05



Bron: Nikkei.com

Autheur: 王 徵

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-05


Evolve Bank data breach impacted fintech firms Wise and Affirm

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-02

Fintech firms Wise and Affirm confirmed they were both impacted by the recent data breach suffered by Evolve Bank. Fintech companies Wise and Affirm have confirmed that they were both affected by the recent data breach at Evolve Bank. At the end of June, the …

LockBit group wrongly claimed the hack of the Federal Reserve

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-06-27

The LockBit ransomware group seems to have lied when they announced the hack of the US Federal Reserve. The real victim is the Evolve Bank. The LockBit ransomware group hasn’t hacked the Federal Reserve as it has recently claimed, the real victim is the Evolv…

Rishi Sunak may have lost his $177,000 Prime Minister gig, but a multimillion-dollar corporate payday awaits the man richer than King Charles

Bron: Fortune

Autheur: Ryan Hogg

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-05

Book deals, speaking engagements, and a return to finance will add to Sunak’s massive net worth.

Bunq-werknemers keken stiekem in klantrekeningen: ‘Het was te verleidelijk’

Bron: Www.nrc.nl

Autheur: Stijn Bronzwaer

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-06-26

Privacy: Werknemers van de Amsterdamse onlinebank bunq bekeken salarissen van collega’s of bespioneerden ex-geliefden. „Alles stond altijd open.”

Surprise Win for Left in French Vote Leaves Investors on Edge

Bron: Yahoo Entertainment

Autheur: Julien Ponthus, Allegra Catelli and Sagarika Jaisinghani

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-08

(Bloomberg) — French election results triggered a fresh bout of worries in European markets as investors fret that the left-wing alliance’s victory raises…

Touax: Touax Container reloads its Capex lines

Bron: GlobeNewswire

Autheur: TOUAX

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-01


TOUAX : Touax Container renouvelle sa capacité d’investissement

Bron: GlobeNewswire

Autheur: TOUAX

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-01

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE        Paris, le 1er juillet – 17 h 45 VOTRE SOLUTION DE LOCATION AU SERVICE DES TRANSPORTS DURABLES Touax Container renouvelle…

Geldanlage: Wie der Klimawandel die Altersvorsorge beeinträchtigen kann

Bron: Faz.net

Autheur: Johannes Ritter

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-11

Wie wirkt sich die Erderwärmung auf die individuelle Geldanlage und Altersvorsorge aus? Eine Software aus der Schweiz spürt dem nach.

Alpha Bank: O Λάζαρος Παπαγαρυφάλλου αναλαμβάνει Deputy CEO- Chief Financial Officer o Βασίλης Κοσμάς

Bron: Naftemporiki.gr

Autheur: Μαρία Γεωργακοπούλου

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-23

Η Alpha Bank ανακοινώνει την τοποθέτηση του Λάζαρου Παπαγαρυφάλλου ως Deputy CEO του ομίλου. Παραμένοντας μέλος της Εκτελεστικής Επιτροπής, ο κ. Παπαγαρυφάλλου, με τη νέα του ιδιότητα, θα επικεντρωθεί περαιτέρω… Alpha Bank: O Λάζαρος Παπαγαρυφάλλου αναλαμβάνε…

Economistas elevan sus proyecciones de crecimiento para China a medida que aumentan sus exportaciones

Bron: Www.df.cl

Autheur: Bloomberg

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-06-25

Las exportaciones de China superaron las expectativas en abril y mayo, lo que refleja una fuerte demanda externa y la creciente competitividad de los productores chinos.

Amid election nerves French traders race to secure funding as they foresee the worst blow to bonds

Bron: Fortune

Autheur: Alice Gledhill, Michael Msika, Tasos Vossos, Bloomberg

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-06-28

“There is nothing to win in this market.”

Een ongrijpbare Nederlander achter een ongrijpbare munt van een ongrijpbaar bedrijf

Bron: Www.nrc.nl

Autheur: Marloes de Koning

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-05

Tether: De EU reguleert stablecoins. Wat zijn dat? En waarom verliest Europa de meestgebruikte cryptomunt, grootgemaakt door een Nederlander?

Brazil Potash Establishes Advisory Board Chaired by Mayo Schmidt

Bron: GlobeNewswire


Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-16

AMAZONAS, Brazil, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Brazil Potash Corp. (“Brazil Potash” or the “Company”) is excited to announce the formation of an advisory board to provide further sector, Brazil country and investor relationship expertise as the Company a…

Up 23% since May, are investors on the punt with Star Entertainment shares?

Bron: Motley Fool Australia

Autheur: Zach Bristow

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-10

Can the new CEO bring the turnaround shareholders are hoping for? The post Up 23% since May, are investors on the punt with Star Entertainment shares? appeared first on The Motley Fool Australia.

Brazil Potash Estabelece Conselho Consultivo Presidido por Mayo Schmidt

Bron: GlobeNewswire


Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-17

AMAZONAS, Brasil, July 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Brazil Potash Corp. (“Brazil Potash” ou a “Empresa”) tem o prazer de anunciar a formação de um conselho consultivo para fornecer mais informações sobre o setor, o Brasil e o relacionamento com investidores…

Brazil Potash Establishes Advisory Board Chaired by Mayo Schmidt

Bron: Financial Post

Autheur: GlobeNewswire

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-16

AMAZONAS, Brazil, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Brazil Potash Corp. (“Brazil Potash” or the “Company”) is excited to announce the formation of an advisory board to provide further sector, Brazil country and investor relationship expertise as the Company ad…

Banqueros internacionales unidos con Claudia

Bron: El Financiero

Autheur: Jeanette Leyva Reus

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-10

En el International Monetary Conference (IMC), que reunió a los principales directivos de instituciones financieras, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo presentó los proyectos que piensa realizar en su sexenio.

Cboe Clear Europe participates in Eurosystem CBDC trial

Bron: Finextra

Autheur: Editorial Team

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-19

Cboe Clear Europe, the largest pan-European clearing house, has successfully participated in the Eurosystem’s recent exploratory work testing the use of new technologies for the settlement of wholesale transactions in central bank money. The experiments speci…

Volkswagen-Tochter: Petra Clemens wird CIO von Cariad

Bron: Www.cio.de

Autheur: Jens Dose

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-03

Ab Oktober 2024 leitet Petra Clemens die IT von Cariad, der Software-Tochter von Volkswagen. Sie kommt vom Eisenbahnlogistiker VTG.

Computop calls on retailers to join EPI pilot trials

Bron: Finextra

Autheur: Editorial Team

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-06-25

EU payment gateway Computop is calling on merchants to join pilot trials of the bank-backed European Payments Initiative’s wero wallet scheme.

ABN AMRO en ACE vieren financiële zelfstandigheid in nieuwe jongerencampagne.

Bron: Emerce.nl

Autheur: ACE

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-22

ABN AMRO verrijkt de nieuwe merkpositionering ‘voor ieder begin’ met een nieuwe jongerencampagne ‘Begin met loslaten’, ontwikkeld door ACE. De […]

U.S. CISA adds Adobe Commerce and Magento, SolarWinds Serv-U, and VMware vCenter Server bugs to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-21

U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) adds Adobe Commerce and Magento, SolarWinds Serv-U, and VMware vCenter Server bugs to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) ad…

Security Affairs Malware Newsletter – Round 3

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-21

Security Affairs Malware newsletter includes a collection of the best articles and research on malware in the international landscape. Hardening of HardBit    10,000 Victims a Day: Infostealer Garden of Low-Hanging Fruit This Meeting Should Have Been an Email…

SocGholish malware used to spread AsyncRAT malware

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-22

The JavaScript downloader SocGholish (aka FakeUpdates) is being used to deliver the AsyncRAT and the legitimate open-source project BOINC. Huntress researchers observed the JavaScript downloader malware SocGholish (aka FakeUpdates) that is being used to deliv…

Ransomware groups target Veeam Backup & Replication bug

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-15

Multiple ransomware groups were spotted exploiting a vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-27532, in Veeam Backup & Replication. The vulnerability CVE-2023-275327 (CVSS score of 7.5) impacts the Veeam Backup & Replication component. An attacker can exploit the i…

Critical flaw in Exim MTA could allow to deliver malware to users’ inboxes

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-12

A critical vulnerability in Exim mail server allows attackers to deliver malicious executable attachments to mailboxes. Attackers can exploit a critical security flaw, tracked as CVE-2024-39929 (CVSS score of 9.1), in the Exim mail transfer agent to deliver m…

Security Affairs newsletter Round 480 by Pierluigi Paganini – INTERNATIONAL EDITION

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-14

A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! Every week the best security articles from Security Affairs are free in your email box. Enjoy a new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter, including the international press. Vyacheslav Igo…

Security Affairs Malware Newsletter – Round 2

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-14

Security Affairs Malware newsletter includes a collection of the best articles and research on malware in the international landscape. New Android Spyware Steals Data from Gamers and TikTok Users   A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Practical Black-box Adversarial A…

Multiple threat actors exploit PHP flaw CVE-2024-4577 to deliver malware

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-11

Multiple threat actors exploit a recently disclosed security PHP flaw CVE-2024-4577 to deliver multiple malware families. The Akamai Security Intelligence Response Team (SIRT) warns that multiple threat actors are exploiting the PHP vulnerability CVE-2024-457…

Palo Alto Networks fixed a critical bug in the Expedition tool

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-12

Palo Alto Networks addressed five vulnerabilities impacting its products, including a critical authentication bypass issue. Palo Alto Networks released security updates to address five security flaws impacting its products, the most severe issue, tracked as C…

AI-Powered Russia’s bot farm operates on X, US and its allies warn

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-11

The US and its allies disrupted an AI-powered Russia-linked bot farm on the social media platform X relying on the Meliorator AI software. The U.S. FBI and Cyber National Mission Force, along with Dutch and Canadian intelligence and security agencies, warned …

CrowdStrike update epic fail crashed Windows systems worldwide

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-19

Windows machines worldwide displayed BSoD screen following a faulty update pushed out by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. A faulty update released by CrowdStrike Falcon is causing Windows systems to display a BSoD screen. The incident is causing widespread glo…

A new flaw in OpenSSH can lead to remote code execution

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-10

A vulnerability affects some versions of the OpenSSH secure networking suite, it can potentially lead to remote code execution. The vulnerability CVE-2024-6409 (CVSS score: 7.0) impacts select versions of the OpenSSH secure networking suite, it can be exploit…

Citrix fixed critical and high-severity bugs in NetScaler product

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-10

IT giant Citrix addressed multiple vulnerabilities, including critical and high-severity issues in its NetScaler product. Citrix released security updates to address critical and high-severity issues in its NetScaler product. The most severe issue is an impro…

U.S. CISA adds Microsoft Windows and Rejetto HTTP File Server bugs to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-10

U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) adds Microsoft Windows and Rejetto HTTP File Server bugs to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) added the following vulnerab…

The Octo Tempest group adds RansomHub and Qilin ransomware to its arsenal

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-17

Microsoft said that in Q2 2024, the Octo Tempest cybercrime gang added RansomHub and Qilin ransomware to its arsenal. In the second quarter of 2024, financially motivated threat actor Octo Tempest (aka Scattered Spider, UNC3944, and 0ktapus), added RansomHub …

Hackers abused swap files in e-skimming attacks on Magento sites

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-23

Threat actors abused swap files in compromised Magento websites to hide credit card skimmer and harvest payment information. Security researchers from Sucuri observed threat actors using swap files in compromised Magento websites to conceal a persistent softw…

China-linked APT group uses new Macma macOS backdoor version

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-24

China-linked APT group Daggerfly (aka Evasive Panda, Bronze Highland) Evasive Panda has been spotted using an updated version of the macOS backdoor Macma. The China-linked APT group Daggerfly (aka Evasive Panda or Bronze Highland) has significantly updated it…

Hackers exploit Microsoft Defender SmartScreen bug CVE-2024-21412 to deliver ACR, Lumma, and Meduza Stealers

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-25

The CVE-2024-21412 flaw in the Microsoft Defender SmartScreen has been exploited to deliver information stealers such as ACR Stealer, Lumma, and Meduza. Fortinet FortiGuard Labs researchers observed a malware campaign exploiting the vulnerability CVE-2024-214…

Critical bug in Docker Engine allowed attackers to bypass authorization plugins

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-25

A critical flaw in some versions of Docker Engine can be exploited to bypass authorization plugins (AuthZ) under specific circumstances. A vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-41110 (CVSS score of 10.0), in certain versions of Docker Engine can allow an attacke…

Threat actors attempted to capitalize CrowdStrike incident

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-20

CrowdStrike warns that threat actors are exploiting the recent IT outage caused by their faulty update to distribute Remcos RAT malware. CrowdStrike spotted threat actors attempting to benefit from the recent IT outage caused by the faulty update of the cyber…

Security Affairs newsletter Round 481 by Pierluigi Paganini – INTERNATIONAL EDITION

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-21

A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! Every week the best security articles from Security Affairs are free in your email box. Enjoy a new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter, including the international press. Threat actors …

Cisco fixed a critical flaw in Security Email Gateway that could allow attackers to add root users

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-19

Cisco has addressed a critical vulnerability that could allow attackers to add new root users to Security Email Gateway (SEG) appliances. Cisco fixed a critical vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-20401 (CVSS score 9.8), that could allow unauthenticated, remot…

New AT&T data breach exposed call logs of almost all customers

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-12

AT&T disclosed a new data breach that exposed phone call and text message records for approximately 110 million people. AT&T suffered a massive data breach, attackers stole the call logs for approximately 110 million customers, which are almost all of the com…

CISA adds OSGeo GeoServer GeoTools bug to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-16

U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) adds an OSGeo GeoServer GeoTools bug to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) added an OSGeo GeoServer GeoTools eval injection…

U.S. CISA adds Microsoft Internet Explorer and Twilio Authy bugs to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-24

U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) adds Microsoft Internet Explorer and Twilio Authy bugs to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) added the following vulnerabil…

EvilVideo, a Telegram Android zero-day allowed sending malicious APKs disguised as videos

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-22

EvilVideo is a zero-day in the Telegram App for Android that allowed attackers to send malicious APK payloads disguised as videos. ESET researchers discovered a zero-day exploit named EvilVideo that targets the Telegram app for Android. The exploit was for sa…

VMware fixed critical SQL-Injection in Aria Automation product

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-11

VMware addressed a critical SQL-Injection vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-22280, impacting Aria Automation. Virtualization giant VMware addressed a high-severity SQL-injection vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-22280 (CVSSv3 base score of 8.5), in its Aria…

HardBit ransomware version 4.0 supports new obfuscation techniques

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-15

Cybersecurity researchers detailed a new version of the HardBit ransomware that supports new obfuscation techniques to avoid detection. The new version (version 4.0) of the HardBit ransomware comes with the Binary Obfuscation Enhancement with passphrase prote…

Void Banshee exploits CVE-2024-38112 zero-day to spread malware

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-17

Void Banshee APT group exploited the Windows zero-day CVE-2024-38112 to execute code via the disabled Internet Explorer. An APT group tracked as Void Banshee was spotted exploiting the Windows zero-day CVE-2024-38112 (CVSS score of 7.5) to execute code throug…

UK police arrested a 17-year-old linked to the Scattered Spider gang

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-22

Law enforcement arrested a 17-year-old boy from Walsall, U.K., for suspected involvement in the Scattered Spider cybercrime syndicate. Law enforcement in the U.K. arrested a 17-year-old teenager from Walsall who is suspected to be a member of the Scattered Sp…

Microsoft Patch Tuesday for July 2024 fixed 2 actively exploited zero-days

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-10

Microsoft Patch Tuesday security updates for July 2024 addressed 139 flaws, including two actively exploited zero-days. Microsoft Patch Tuesday security updates for July 2024 addressed 139 vulnerabilities in Windows and Windows Components; Office and Office C…

MediSecure data breach impacted 12.9 million individuals

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-19

Personal and health information of 12.9 million individuals was exposed in a ransomware attack on Australian digital prescription services provider MediSecure. MediSecure is a company that provides digital health solutions, particularly focusing on secure ele…

SAPwned flaws in SAP AI core could expose customers’ data

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-18

Researchers discovered security flaws in SAP AI Core cloud-based platform that could expose customers’ data. Cybersecurity researchers at Wiz uncovered five security flaws, collectively tracked as SAPwned, in the SAP AI Core cloud-based platform. An attacker …

A critical flaw in Cisco SSM On-Prem allows attackers to change any user’s password

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-17

A vulnerability in Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem (Cisco SSM On-Prem) license servers allows threat actors to change any user’s password. Cisco has addressed a critical vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-20419 (CVSS score of 10.0), in Cisco Smart Softwa…

US Gov sanctioned key members of the Cyber Army of Russia Reborn hacktivists group

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-23

The US government sanctioned two Russian hacktivists for their cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure, including breaches of water facilities. The United States sanctioned Russian hacktivists Yuliya Vladimirovna Pankratova and Denis Olegovich Degtyare…

Michigan Medicine data breach impacted 56953 patients

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-25

A cyber attack against Michigan Medicine resulted in the compromise of the personal and health information of approximately 57,000 patients. The academic medical center of the University of Michigan, Michigan Medicine, suffered a data breach that impacted 569…

FrostyGoop ICS malware targets Ukraine

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-23

In April 2024, Dragos researchers spotted the malware FrostyGoop that interacts with Industrial Control Systems (ICS) using the Modbus protocol. In April 2024, Dragos researchers discovered a new ICS malware named FrostyGoop that interacts with Industrial Con…

Polish government investigates Russia-linked cyberattack on state news agency

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-03

The Polish government is investigating a potential connection between Russia and a cyberattack on the country’s state news agency. The Polish government is investigating a suspected link between Russia and the cyberattack on the country’s state news agency Po…

LockBit group claims the hack of the Fairfield Memorial Hospital in the US

Bron: Securityaffairs.com

Autheur: Pierluigi Paganini

Gepubliceerd op: 2024-07-03

The LockBit ransomware group breached another hospital in the United States, the victim is the Fairfield Memorial Hospital in Illinois. It has happened again, another US healthcare organization suffered a security breach, this time the victim is the Fairfield…

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